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Looking to branch out?

This is the story of SBG Athens tribe-member Ashley Healen.

Ashley found SBG while she was injured.

Working out at a different gym, Ashley had been exposed to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts as ways to stay fit. She quickly realized that she was more than casually interested in training martial arts, though. Recovering from an injury sustained in training, Ashley began to look for a gym that could offer her more in the way of BJJ and MMA instruction. At SBG, Ashley says, she found the right place.

Ashley now feels more confident standing up for herself. “I really doubted myself,” she says, no matter what she did. She was afraid to speak her mind, to be herself around other people. Classes at SBG have given her a space to work alongside a variety of people sharing similar goals to Ashley.

Everyone there wants to get a little bit better at something each time they come together, whether that be throwing better strikes, defending yourself better on the ground, or improving your numbers in the weight-room. Ashley now feels equally comfortable trading words with her training partners as well as punches.

Here are three pieces of advice that Ashley would like to share with anyone who might be interested in starting to train, or taking their training to the next evolution:

  1. Always keep an open mind. Don’t ever be afraid to try something.
  2. “Keep your friends close and your elbows closer” -Ryron Gracie
  3. Don’t beat yourself up, everyone makes mistakes. Just learn from them.

Do you struggle with some of the same things with which Ashley struggled?

You CAN make that change and TRANSFORM your life also!

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